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Reunited Kingdom of the Fourth Age

Reunited Kingdom of the Fourth Age - A private commission.
It's from the reign of Aragorn's grandson, Anormegil (or Anarmacil in Quenya), c. 250 Fourth Age, by which time Lorien has been abandoned by all but a few Wood-Elves; Lindon and Thranduil's realm in n. Mirkwood remain, but both are dwindling. The Dwarves have managed to reclaim Moria and have a small colony in Aglarond, while the Hobbits still prosper in the Shire even as the rest of Eriador is starting to be repopulated by Men (a mix of Gondorians, Rangers, Bree-folk and even the odd Dunlending). Eryn Maethyr is a Mannish kingdom formed by the unification of the Beornings and the Woodmen of Mirkwood, and it may, in years to come, expand into 'East Lorien' as the last Elves depart.

Reunited Kingdom of the Fourth Age

Reunited Kingdom of the Fourth Age